Grant Thornton International Ltd (GTIL) acts as the coordinating entity for member firms in the network. Its focus is on areas such as strategy, risk, quality monitoring and brand. It also provides certain support and resources to member firms. It is a private company limited by guarantee, incorporated in England and Wales. It is a non-practising international umbrella entity that does not provide services to clients. Services are delivered by Grant Thornton member firms around the world. GTIL and the member firms collectively are referred to as Grant Thornton.

With more than 73,000 people in 149 markets, we are a truly global network with a huge reach and growing capability to serve client needs.

Commitment to quality

GTIL is responsible for both growing and protecting the network but quality is the foundation for everything the network does. GTIL carries out quality monitoring of member firms to assess their compliance with global standards.

Full details of the network’s commitment to quality are in the latest GTIL transparency report.

Board of Governors

The Board of Governors (the board) is the principal and overriding authority in GTIL, and it exercises governance over GTIL. The board comprises the chair of the board (currently an independent governor); the chief executive officer (CEO) of GTIL; managing partners from the largest Grant Thornton member firms; managing partners elected or appointed from other Grant Thornton member firms that are not amongst the largest; and independent directors. The board aims for a reasonable balance of diversity and representation from different geographical areas, including emerging markets.

Judith Sprieser

Peter Bodin

View Peter's profile

Nathalie Boyer

View Nathalie's profile

Adam Nicol

View Adam's profile

Slavco Filipcev

View Slavco's profile

Ramón Galcerán

View Ramón's profile

Martin Geh

Malcolm Gomersall

View Malcolm's profile

Greg Keith

View Greg's profile

Kevin Ladner

View Kevin's profile

Li Huiqi

Daniel Maranhão

View Daniel's profile

Ngozi Ogwo

View Ngozi's profile

Seth Siegel

View Seth's profile

Stephen Tennant

View Stephen's profile

Florence Tondu-Mélique

Heike Wieland-Blöse

View Heike's profile

The global leadership team

The global leadership team (GLT), chaired by the GTIL CEO is a full-time management group dedicated to leading the network in the successful execution of the network strategy. Its current members are shown below. If you are looking for contacts in your local market, please visit our locations page where you can find your local Grant Thornton member firm.

Peter Bodin - Chief Executive Officer

Hilary East - Office of the CEO

Trent Gazzaway - Global head, service line capabilities and quality

David Peneycad - Global head, risk management, operations and projects

Karitha Ericson - Global head, network capability and culture

Zoe Harris - Global head, brand and international marketing

Grant Thornton network structure

In many parts of the world, professional services firms are required by law to be locally owned and independent. The Grant Thornton network consists of firms which are separate legal entities. The Grant Thornton network is not a global partnership, global firm or multinational corporation.

Firms in the Grant Thornton network are members of Grant Thornton International Ltd (GTIL), an English private company limited by guarantee. GTIL does not provide services to clients. Its purpose is to act as a coordinating entity for member firms in the Grant Thornton network. In this role, GTIL convenes member firms to develop strategy for the network, monitors and enforces membership standards and provides certain services to its member firms.

GTIL’s global leadership team develops and implements policies for the network and more detail on this can be found in GTIL’s transparency report. Member firms of GTIL can use the Grant Thornton name and network resources and methodologies.

Many member firms have legally registered names which contain ‘Grant Thornton’. However, there is no ownership of any member firm by GTIL. Nor do the member firms own GTIL. GTIL and its member firms are not agents of, and do not obligate, one another and are not liable for one another’s acts or omissions.